With One Voice Choir- Teens & adults are welcome. We meet Weds. evenings Sept-May and sing for Sunday morning worship twice a month as schedules allow.
Angel Choir- Sunday school children ages preschool through 6th grade have opportunities to play musical instruments & sing their praises to God at the beginning of Sunday School each week.
Hand Bell Choir- Teens and adults are welcome. We meet Weds. evenings Sept-May and ring during worship once a month as schedules allow.
Vocal and Instrumental Solos & Duets- scheduled throughout the year, especially in summer months. All music groups welcome new members at any time. Music reading skills are helpful but not required. Church membership is not required. For more information on any of the above opportunities, please contact Carol Garman 337-3452.
All music groups welcome.
Children & Adult Christian Education- Sunday School classes for students preschool-school age children are held September-May . Activities include crafts, Bible stories, music & games. For more information, contact Stacey Haynes(717-398-7877) or Carol Garman (717-476-0923).
Kids Club meets Thursdays, 3:45-5pm for children K-4th grade. Activities include snack, devotions, games, crafts and music adventures. For more info, contact Carol Garman717-476-0923.
The Adult Sunday School Class has been making plans to resume. Please continue to check, news will be forthcoming.
Kids' Club- Kids Club meets Thursdays from 3:45-5pm during the school year. Children K-4th grade are welcome to join us for Bible stories, music activities, games, crafts and a snack. Transportation is available from Fairfield Elementary. For more information, contact Carol Garman 717-476-0923.
Vacation Bible Fun Week-Vacation Bible Fun Week is held in June each year at St. John
from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. Preschool through 5th graders are welcome! Church membership is not required!
WELCA-The Women of St John (WELCA) meet the first Monday of each month at 9am. All women are invited to attend. For more information contact Sue Hull at 642-8386
Community Outreach Programs
Ruths Harvest- Fairfield Inc. -Ruth's Harvest-Fairfield, Inc., is a volunteer program that provides hungry children with a backpack of food for them to eat over the weekend period when they are not getting school lunches. They receive individually packed servings of food to cover seven meals and two snacks for Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday. The Fairfield Area School District in partnership with Fairfield Area Churches and businesses has now served the Fairfield School district for 4 years! We are entering our 5th school year. For more information please contact Linn Wichowski at 717-398-2088.
Fairfield Food Pantry-St. John collects food for the Fairfield Food Pantry. Please check expiration dates on your food items before placing them in the donation boxes.
Lions Club-Lions Club meets at St. John the first and third Tuesday of the month.